2nd grade children were asked the following question: "In which direction is the bus pictured below traveling?"

Look carefully at the picture. Do you know the answer? (No tricks... The only possible answers are "left" or "right.")
So, is it "left" or "right"????
Think about it.
Still don't know?
Okay, I'll tell you. The 2nd graders all answered "left."
When asked, "Why do you think the bus is traveling in the left direction?"
They answered: "Because you can't see the door."
Duh !
How do you feel now ???
I know -- me too !
(Thanks to my friend Michel for passing this along)
I am an idiot apparently. I didn't get it until you told me. Ugh.
OK. That's a good one. Got me.
great. i'm not as smart as a second grader.
I woulda said left. Mainly because when I enter a shop/store of any kind I start off to the left, which is against the way most people enter a store. It has been proven that store owners put the things they want people to see on the right as you enter, because most people enter a store and go to the right.
I know this has nothing to do with the bus, but it's why I picked left :).
great. And I was once thinking I was a smart woman. I stand corrected. . .
I just saw something very close to that about a week ago....I still could not figure this damned thing out.
Yeah, I'm an idiot. Lol. Great question, though! I'm going to see if I can go back into 2nd grade now. Apparently need more brain exercises.
ha ha I like that one .. cute...
Dang it. Once again I am reminded why they won't let me leave the home without a leash.
I'm a dumbass! I'm surprised I can leave the house w/out a helmet on!
Always nice to meet a new reader.
Come around again.
Hi David, That's a great one! I'll try it on my wife and son tonight. Often it's the simplest-seeming ones that turn out to be the hardest to solve, like one I saw recently about pocket change at the community chat site http://www.holyshnikes.com. Aargh! I wracked my brain. And the answer was as obvious as your bus brain teaser!
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