Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fucking Jew

In America. On a school bus bearing an 11-year-old we know.

Surely impossible.

Sadly, no, not at all impossible.

A little bit of my inner civil libertarian died today. I could have kissed Mr. D. over the phone when he told me all he needed was to know if the event had occurred ON the bus, and if it did, what was the bus number. He could call the transportation office and get the video loop. If possible, he also needed the name of the bully.

I called MiDC on his new cellphone, and he could confirm the incident occurred on the bus and in front of the camera. He gave the bus number. Let's keep the name a little hazy. Let's just call him Apu's Evil Twin.

Tomorrow, I'll drive the unflappable MiDC to school. At some point in the day, when Mr. D. isn't proctoring a "No Educational Testing Company Left Behind" timesink and the lad isn't taking one (it's that time of year), the administrator will call the student to his office and get a first-hand report.

After the verbal assault on the bus, the young man spat back "You freakin' anti-Semite." ("I would have said fuckin', Mom," saidst our hero, "but I knew the bus driver was right next to me.")

Then he calmly walked home, reported in to his parents and called his friend Achmed*. He lives up the street. They arranged to walk to the library together for chess club. They have a chess tournament this weekend. I'm driving. They'll meet their friend Thieu* there.

And no fuckin' bigot is going to stop them.

*name changed to obscure identity without obscuring ethnicity.


Anonymous said...

tell MiDC his considerably larger cousin in Chicago has his back. Any bus, anywhere.

Signed, his considerably larger cousin in Chicago

Wendy Love said...

It's unfortunate that in this day and age we still experience ugly things like that. If it's any consolation, I've experienced a far more ignorant side of discrimination (yes, discrimination can be more ignorant than ignorant) by being called the wrong racial slur. Now, granted, a racial slur by any other name is still wrong, but being called a towel head, while I am clearly something else, it's just saddening to me.

Churlita said...

It sucks that that happened. When my daughter was in junior high, some boys in her study hall kept calling her a wet back. We talked to the office and they were good at nipping in the bud at least. I hate that shit.

Moonbeam said...

This breaks my heart and makes me mad at the same time. Bravo to MiDC for spatting back at the very ignorant bully. MiDC you have wonderful parents supporting you. Good luck at your Chess Tournament this weekend! May the force be with you.

Bubblewench said...

That kills me to hear something like this. I am glad you are taking action and he did too.

mielikki said...

your kid is great. I am glad he stepped up to battle the prejudice and hate. There is no room in this world for that.

Anonymous said...

Cheers to Monkeyboy...but no matter how hard I try to figure it out - I just don't get it.