Happy Birthday to you,
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --- Albert Einstein
On PBS's Great Performances, director Lonny Price tries to do nothing else but to get inside the pictures and the personas that controversial director John Doyle made for the stage. This Company doesn't look like most TV. But for the musical-theater lovers who, like me, don't get to Broadway nearly as much as they'd like, TV's Company comes as close as it can to re-creating what you missed. Director Lonny Price and editor Gary Bradley, working during the course of one of the show's final Broadway performances, manage to capture the free-flowing pace of the show, so that each scene seems to spring up like a fresh memory in Bobby's mind -- another glimpse at marriage and romance that might make living alone seem preferable. Or does it? It's that ambiguity that makes "Company" timeless -- and well worth the time spent with it.